Category: Misting System
Humidification misting System for Tea Industry
Humidification misting System for Tea Industry
Moist atmosphere favors tea development in the estate and the correct relative humidity level is vital for convert the picked leaves into quality tea during preparation.
During oxidation (likewise called maturation), cautious control of temperature and moistness is especially significant. This cycle gives the correct conditions to the polyphenol in wilted leaves to form into the theaflavins, thearugibins and different mixes that make the trademark flavors and shade of dark teas, Pouchong and oolongs.
On the off chance that leaves dry, oxidation eases back as water is needed for the cycle. An encompassing relative dampness of 95-98%RH at 20-26°C is needed to look after aging, and even a little drop in mugginess level will influence the cycle, decreasing yield humidification of different stages, for example, in tea sack creation to decrease electrostatic issues, likewise improve efficiency.
Need for humidification in the tea industry
A humid climate favours tea growth in the plantation and the right relative humidity level is essential to convert the picked leaves into quality tea leaves during processing. During oxidation, careful control of temperature and humidity is extremely important. As oxidation areas are typically experiencing around 15 air exchanges per hour, the room needs an extremely high humidification output to successfully maintain 95-98%RH, which is the ideal condition for tea oxidation.
Moist atmosphere favours tea growth and development in the estate and the correct relative humidity level is vital for convert the picked leaves into quality tea during preparation process.
During oxidation cautious control of temperature and moistness is especially significant. This cycle gives the correct conditions to the polyphenol in wilted leaves to form into the theaflavins, thearugibins and different mixes that make the trademark flavours and shade of dark teas, Puchong, oolongs and other common varieties of tea leaves.
On the off chance that leaves dry, oxidation eases back as water is needed for the cycle. An encompassing relative dampness of 95-98%RH at 20-26°C is needed to look after aging, and even a little drop in mugginess level will influence the cycle, decreasing yield humidification of different stages, for example, in tea sack creation to decrease electrostatic issues, likewise improve efficiency. Using the misting systems of Greenly India will ensure that the tea leaves get the right quantity of moisture/ humidification and are not dampened and destroyed.
Frequently asked questions:
1. Are the misting systems effective?
Yes. Greenly India’s misting systems have shown results and customers are extremely happy with the purchases. The return on investment is clearly visible and value for money is gained.
2. What is the price for tea cultivation misting system?
The price for each order is based on various external factors such as size of operations, location etc. our team can provide a quote based on your exact needs.