Category: Misting System
The TrueMIST Fog system uses high pressure pumps to pressurize treated supply water to between 1000 and 2000 psi. The stainless steel orifice of Fog nozzles atomize the water into billions of ultra-fine fog droplets.
The TrueMIST Fog system uses high pressure pumps to pressurize treated supply water to between 1000 and 2000 psi. The stainless steel orifice of Fog nozzles atomize the water into billions of ultra-fine fog droplets. TrueMIST Fog systems do not require compressed air or heat. Direct pressure means there are few moving parts (none in the air handlers or the humidified space). The energy consumed is a small fraction of that required by other technologies, such as compressed air, ultra-sonic, or canister steam systems. Every TrueMIST Fog system is carefully and thoroughly engineered to fit the application. Our engineering staff will design the proper water treatment system and size the fog system based on building heat loads, ambient climate data, ventilation rates, etc.