Category: Misting System
Horse stall misting System | misting system for horses for effective cooling in Brans and horse studs.
Horses are generally very productive animals. It is critical to guarantee that they are kept comfortable. Typically horses are housed in a place in which temperatures are higher than the surrounding. Tragically higher temperatures can open the pony to such risks as a warmth stroke and a diminished capacity to perspire. To dodge this possible danger, utilizing the many fogging mist systems for barns and stables from Truemist, which helps to brings down temperatures in the stable and encompassing regions by as much as 15/20 degrees.
Truemist Bran misting units utilize high-weight and air-flowing fans and mist systems to bring down the temperatures in equestrian and stable territories. Cooling is significant since the greater part of a horses’ energy is used for its various activities.
Why is it important to have a misting system in horse stalls?
The exterior design of a stable can vary widely, based on climate, building materials, historical period and cultural styles of architecture and other external factors.
Horses are often kept inside barns which may be substantially hotter than outside temperatures due to radiant and regular heat absorption by the structure.
Despite their ability to sweat, horses still have difficulty cooling themselves when temperatures become extreme. Because of their large size, their body heat tends to accumulate faster than they can get rid of the excess. Especially in conditions of high humidity, when sweat no longer evaporates to cool the skin, horses are prone to heat exhaustion and heat stroke, which can be extremely dangerous.
Misting fans provide evaporative cooling, which can drop the ambient temperature by as much as 20-30 degrees. Misting fans, such as the productions by Greenly India can help cool ambient temperatures for horses and humans.
Horses are generally very productive animals. It is critical to guarantee that they are kept comfortable without facing excess heat. Tragically higher temperatures can open the pony to such risks as a warmth stroke and a diminished capacity to perspire. To dodge this possible danger, utilizing the many fogging mist systems for barns and stables from Truemist, which helps to brings down temperatures in the stable and encompassing regions by as much as 15/20 degrees.
Truemist Bran misting units utilize high-weight and air-flowing fans and mist systems to bring down the temperatures in equestrian and stable territories. Cooling is significant since the greater part of a horses’ energy is used for its various activities. Created with extremely technical knowledge, these misting systems are sure to keep your horses comfortable and give them the perfectly right climatic environment to survive in.
Frequently asked questions:
1. What is the price of a barn misting system?
A barn misting system is based on the size of the pump, location of operations etc. our team can provide a right quote for the product based on the exact horse and customer needs.
2. Is it important to have a misting system in barns?
Yes. Installing a misting system in barns can be extremely beneficial and also prevent discomfort to the animals within due to excessive heat.